Candid VIII

Hey guys! I am back with yet another interview. This time my guest is Biswabandita, a pretty lonaberry. She’s new in the WordPress town but I am must say she’s pretty talented. So without wasting much time, I shall start with the interview- 1) What is the most absurd thing you’ve been tricked into doing…


There are days when I have figured the life out. Others I am just clueless as ever. I wonder how life would have been if I made a different choice. Would I be happy? Contented? Miserable? What if I was a bird? Will I be caged or fly high? There are some invisible cages and…


I wish I had a blank paper,I would fill it layers and shades of different colors,From Crimson red to lavender blue,From creamy white to ebony black,To shine bright when it’s too dark outside,To mark the boiling blood in this depressed life.Splash the colors agonizing my pain,Paint in bright colors the dark room where I was…


Every answer raised another question. Not every question had an answer. A curious child sailed through his life shunned for those questions and the creativity suppressed for being ‘inside the box’. They say, curiosity killed the cat. But ultimately, it killed the desire to learn and act. Once, a bubbling free mind is now a…

Home Alone

My roommate’s gone; there’s no one in room,Why do I hear noises? An impending doom!“You’re an adult, you’ll be just fine.”I tell myself as I pray and vine. I hear squeaky steps of someone outside,My heart beats faster and in blanket I hide.I know there’s none on the floor at this timeIs there someone to…


“Let our love bloom like this rose diffusing it’s fragrance throughout, bringing smiles on our face, cherishing our happy moments forever.” Forever, my foot! The flower once plucked has no life. The only future it has is to be dried and then thrown in the bin to rot, thereafter. Once the oxytocin level goes down,…

Romanticizing Dear Old Love

Modern society has sold us a rank of goods where love is concerned. Love’s purity has been polluted- we have commercialized the most powerful emotion in the world, branded it through over- romanticizing and idealization; it’s now deteriorated beyond recognition leading to terrible relationships. How did love get over- romanticized? Thanks to the large number…