

There are days when the jungle appears bright. The monkey is all high and the hyenas in search of dead mice. The lion roars and the fishes cry. The elephants enjoy the bright Summer and their trunks dancing in the glimmering sunshine! Oh! What a world that is ! What a delight!

Thunder Thunder

The stars in the sky. The Clouds, the Lightening, and the reflection! The light on the tree! The beauty of nature in a silent night. I stand in awe with peace in my heart. I have been troubled for days and silence is what I crave. I run and run in search of hope and…

Work Day Out

In the whirlwind of a taxing workday, finding solace in fleeting moments of connection can be a beacon of light. Despite the exhaustion, the simple joy of unwinding with cherished company can uplift even the weariest soul. A brief call from a loved one, like a mother’s check-in on dinner and whereabouts, may seem inconsequential,…

Moon Knight

The beauty of moon beheld me, encaptivated I stare and stare, stunned by the bright light. The night is young and I am drunk in its arm. Enchanted I stand, shunning the world outside. I wish the world ends tonight, with me in the arms of my beloved moon.


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About Me

In a world full of cynicism and sarcasm, I don’t look for hope. I am the hope.

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